Additional Services

Quality Concrete Work, Dirt Work, and Hauling Services

In addition to our asphalt paving and sealcoating services, Pete George & Son Blacktop also provides concrete work, dirt work (digging and levelling), and hauling (rocks, dirt, mulch for landscaping) for residential and commercial customers. Our concrete work includes repairs and installations of driveways, sidewalks, walkways, and patios.

When Do You Need to Repair or Install Concrete?

The repair method will depend on the type of damage that the concrete has suffered. Shallow, cosmetic damage may be repaired by installing a concrete overlay, which is a thin layer of new concrete that is installed on top of the existing concrete. Other types of damage may require the removal of the slab and the installation of a new concrete slab. When you need reliable, quality concrete repair or installation, contact Pete George & Son Blacktop.

What Might Damage a Concrete Pavement?

One source of damage that we frequently see is tree roots. Many popular trees have extensive lateral roots that can spread far beyond their trunks. If the roots are large enough to place sufficient pressure on the side of a concrete pavement, they can push the slab out of alignment or crack it. If roots grow beneath a slab, they can lift it vertically. Other sources of damage are cyclical wet and dry periods that can cause one or more slabs to sink, and water penetration that can cause cracking.

Moving Dirt Around

If your project requires moving large amounts of dirt, let the professionals at Pete George & Son Blacktop handle the job. If your residential or commercial paving project requires digging or levelling dirt, we can provide our services to get the project started.

For more information about our concrete work, dirt work, or hauling services, or to schedule service and get a free estimate, call us at 309-694-4134.

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